Invariants under Orthogonal Transformation
Orthogonal Transformation
We consider here three types of transformation of axes or transformation of coor dinates, namely
- translation
- rotation
- translation and rotation.
These are called orthogonal transformation when both the systems of axes are rectangular. The combination of translation and rotation is called a rigid body motion.
Some expressions remain unchanged under an orthogonal transformation. These known as invariants of orthogonal transformation.
- The origin is shifted to the point (3.-3) without changing the directions of axes. If the coordinates of P, Q, R are (5,5), (-2, 4) and (7.-7) respectively in the new system, find the coordinates of these points in the old system.
2. The axes are rotated through an angle of 60° without change of origin. The coordinates of a point are (4, √3) in the new system. Find the coordinates of it in the old system.
3.The origin is shifted to the point (3,-1) and the axes are rotated through an angle tan^-(3/4) If the coordinates of a point are (5, 10) in the new system, find the coordinates in the old system.
4. The coordinates of A and B are (5, -1) and (3,1). The origin is shifted to A and the axes are rotated in such a way that the new x-axis coincides with AB. If the rotation is made in the positive direction, find the formulae for transformation.
5. If ax + by and cx + dy are changed to a'x' + b'y' and c'x' + d'y' respectively for rotation of axes, show that ad - bc = a'd'- b'c'. (BH 911 NH 2007]
6. Show that the radius of a circle remains unchanged due to any rigid body motion .
7. Show that there is only one point whose coordinates do not alter due to a rigid motion.
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